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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
60021 Cover images
42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Autumn Thunder: 40 Years Of NFL Films Music' gave the following results:

12 matches in composers
  1. Khoosat Films
  2. Classical Music
  3. K.M. Conservatory of Music
  4. Geek Music
  5. Matter Music
  6. Water Music
  7. Orange Music
  8. Music groups Mastodon
  9. John Hardy Music
  10. Music group BORIS
  11. New World Music Performance Group
  12. Bandai Namco Game Music

23220 matches in tracks
  1. Part Six (The Autumn Years) The Not Noel Coward Song (04:35)
    from Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
  2. Part Six (The Autumn Years) The Not Noel Coward Song (04:35)
    from Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
  3. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher And Other Short Film Scores
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  4. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Shadowplay
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  5. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  6. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Letter From The Western Front, A
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  7. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Cadaverous
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  8. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Inherent Darkness And Enlightenment
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  9. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Scout's Honor
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  10. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Prom Night
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  11. 'Twas the Night (03:00)
    from Articles Of War
    tracks 30-33 "Music from Various Short Films"
  12. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Yasujiro Ozu Original Soundtrack Scores
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  13. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Sanma No Aji
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  14. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Akibiyori
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  15. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Soshun
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  16. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Tokyo Monogatari
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  17. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Tokyo Boshoku
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  18. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Higanbana
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  19. Music Box from "Late Autumn" (02:07)
    from Ukigusa
    Akibiyori (Late Autumn)
  20. Lawrence of Arabia - Overture (04:25)
    from Essential Maurice Jarre Film Music Collection, The
    1-3 Music from the films of David Lean
Show all 23220 matching tracks